This new version of Grades doesn't support previous data files from earlier versions. Make sure you delete all previous data files from your hard disk and don't attempt to run them on this version of Grades.
A walk through
In order to use Grades you need to have a list of all your students' names with their ID numbers as well as your proposed weighted average (% of total grade) for each exam or test that you will be giving during your course period.
If you enter data that is not recognizable by Grades or try a command that is not available "Grades" will Beep. You can then ask the program for an explanation of the error by pressing Command-Y or selecting the "Why" from the Apple Menu
1 - Copy the file "Data" and change the name to whatever
your classroom course is called (i.e. SPAN101).
2 - Double click on the newly created file.
3 - If you purchase this software and received a serial number select
Registration from the Apple menu. Fill the registration window, type your
serial number and key, tab out of the key field. Click "OK"
4 - Select "Student" from the "Data" menu.
5 - Enter each of your students data and press the "Enter" key to
add the record to the database (or click the enter button on the screen).
6 - Select "Course details" from the "Data" menu or press Command-K to define
Exams, Assignments, Extra Credit and weighted average. Press the "Enter" key to
add the record to the database.
7 - Select "Enter examination results" from the "Data" menu to
grade exams.
8 -Select any report from the "Reports" menu to print results.
9- If you wish to modify the Bell Curve select "Analyze distribution from the "Data" menu.
Adjust the distribution by selecting the "Graph" option.